Brief presentation

KA1 – School Education and Personnel Mobilities

Project no: 2014-1-RO01-KA101-001375 


Increasing the quality of education by strengthening the European dimension.
Specific objectives:
1. Development of communication skills in English;
2. The use of modern means of teaching English;
3. Development of ICT skills;
4. Integration in international projects of students belonging to vulnerable groups.


9 selected teachers participated in training mobility. • "English For Educators and Administrative Staff-A1", Paris-France; • "English For Effective Communication", Oxford - Great Britain; • "Teaching Grammar Can Be Fun", Prague - Czech Republic; • "ICT in Education Course", Paris-France; • "How to manage behavior problems among learners", Seville-Spain. Results Dictionary of English-Romanian expressions; Communication games- booklet; Math lessons; Webquest; Fun Communicative Activities for Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary Snow White at the Psychologist- storybook
